This workshop covers in detail what landlords need to do when the basis for eviction is anything other than unpaid rent. Â We’ll cover the different types of notices you may need to serve, depending on the situation, and you’ll also receive detailed instruction on how to properly draft your notices to ensure the best possible results in court.
With the passing of new Colorado laws in 2021, we encourage all Managers to take this class to ensure a proper understanding of the new process. Â After completing this training, students should clearly understand the eviction process and correct notices for evicting tenants for cause, and be better prepared to start the eviction process when faced with a non-compliance, now-renewal, or Substantial Violation situation.
PLEASE NOTE: TS’ Educational Webinars are offered free of charge to all Firm clients. If you are a current Firm client, you will receive an email from us the week before the webinar with a personalized log-in and password to access our Virtual Training Room.
If you’d like to be added to our list, please contact Michael Gardner at